Eastern PA

Our representatives working out of Philadelphia are available to the Eastern half of PA, Delaware, and New Jersey. Please have a look below to find the Manufactures represented in your area.
Measurement Instruments
Eastern PA Office
5 Dartmouth Court
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Territory: Eastern PA
Phone: (484) 479-3196
Fax: (215) 261-6051
Our office here in Eastern Pennsylvania proudly represents these manufactures:
- High Speed Data Acquisition Systems
- Rugged, Portable and User Friendly
- Used in Field, Lab & Qualification Testing
- Power Quality and Energy/Demand Monitoring
- Portable and Permanently Installed Systems
- Power Quality Software and Training
- Flexible, Dynamic & Regenerative High Power Test Equipment
- All-in-one Emulator: Cover AC and DC Applications
- Fast Response & Power-HIL capability

- Load Cells, Torque & Pressure Sensors
- Digital Displays & Amplifiers
- Vcal™ Sensor Verification System
- Precision Current Probes for Test & Measurement
- Frequencies from DC to >1GHz and Currents from mA to MA
- Solid core and clamp-on geometries

- Pressure Transducers & Transmitters
- Industrial/Test, Sanitary/Flush Diaphragm, Process Control
- Level, Aerospace, Low Cost OEM
- Power Supplies and Benchtop Test Equipment

- Precision Analog and Digital Transducers
- Handheld Pressure and Calibrators
- Digital Pressure and Temperature Indicators
- CAN-Based Dataloggers With GPS & Video
- -40°C To +120°C Ruggedized DAS Hardware
- Universal DAS Software
- High Voltage and Current Measurement (to 4800 V and 20 kA)
- Signal Conditioning and Duplication (with High Isolation)
- Sensor Transmitters (RTD, TC, Strain Gauge, Frequency, Resistance)
- Can-Bus Interface Products
- DC Programmable Power Supplies and DC Loads
- Ranges to 1MW+
- EV/HEV Solar and Battery Simulation
- High Voltage, Current and Power Test Equipment
- Motor and Transformer Test Systems
- High Voltage AC/DC Portable Test Equipment
- High Power AC Power Source: 10kVA-2MVA
- Regenerative Grid Simulator: 30kVA-2MVA
- AC Power Source/Frequency Converter: 10kVA-2MVA
- Programmable AC Power Source: 600VA-5kVA
- Industrial & Inertial MEMS DC Accelerometers from ±2 to ±400 G
- Zero (DC) to 4000Hz, -55 to +125°C, integrated amplification
- Simple analog output, differential and single-ended modes
- Environmental Temperature and Humidity Chambers.
- Custom Environmental Solutions–Altitude, Salt-Fog, Dust, Sand
- Remote Conditioning Systems and Onsite Service
- Miniatured and ruggedized IR and TC temperature sensors
- Inertial sensors : accelerometers, gyroscopes and IMU
- Programmable strain gage amplifier and bonding
- High-Speed DC Power Supplies
- Power Meters and Analyzers
- Digital Storage Scopes to 128 Channels
- Data Acquisition Systems – High and Low Speed